Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Breaking News!

With all of the back to school hubbub finished, I’m finally drawn back to what the smoke hut is rather than a post to view the most atrocious throws of humanity before me. In this round, we discuss how smoke huts where people gather can be an awesome news source to the world around you. It’s true!

A lot was going on for a few days in a row and I would have had no clue about it if it weren’t for my comrades in the hut. So, we begin.

1) Flaming Hay Trucks.-- The weather has been rather dry here. Nine months out of the year, it’s rainy. But those three months of solid summer? Not a drop. The grass achieves an August brown by the end of June and the warm summer days draw longer and hotter as the summer continues. Oh, the Pacific Northwest. Anyway…the other day I was in the stockroom doing my thing and I went out for a smoke. I overheard a couple of people talking about the highway being blocked off due to a truck carrying a load of hay catching fire. It ignited grass fires in the near vicinity with no clue as to when the situation was going to taper down.

2) Mall Employee Suicide-- On the same day as the flaming truck incident, there was a barrage of cop cars littering the premises of the mall parking lot. I had no clue as to what was going on, but a fellow cancer fiend worked at the same place as this particular employee did. Apparently, a few customers saw a few cop cars and a tarp. A tarp, yes, covering a body. A body. I kid you not. Turns out, a disgruntled employee was so miserable with their job and what it had done to their life that they decided to end it all by jumping off of the tallest parking garage in the parking lot. Yikes.

I’ll refrain from boring you with further details, but these two incidents alone are huge events that I would have been clueless about if not for the smoke hut. For the most part we all talk about how horrible our jobs are, but other conversations filter in as well. I get updates, gossip, local news, national news, and just about anything else I’d need to know from the smoke hut. Am I encouraging all of you to take up smoking? Maybe, maybe not. But I do encourage you to take up a hut. You know, if not smoking itself.

Happy Hutting,


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