Monday, October 12, 2009

Entry 2

Individuals become partial to specific things in life. For example, as there are two main IHOPs located in Fort Wayne (we won’t include the one located on Jefferson… it isn’t even 24hr, it doesn’t count) everyone has their preference of which IHOP they would rather spend their late evenings. Sometimes taking in the somewhat trashy offerings of the Coliseum IHOP sounds like a good time, sometimes dining in style at Lima is preferred. Some people prefer Jefferson Pointe, some people prefer Glenbrook Mall. Some people prefer Ultrazone, some people prefer Lazer X. We have options. The same goes for the campus smoke hut offerings.
The following is something that campus non-smokers have to understand though: there are two and ONLY two main smoke huts on campus. Yes, yes there are actually four located on campus but see; nobody cares about the smoke huts that aren’t either Kettler or Classroom Medical. The hut located nearest the art buildings are just for that… the art kids. Not that there is anything wrong with being an art major, I was one for a while as a matter of fact, it’s just that the smoke huts that everyone likes going to are set up for convenience and let’s just face it.. a hut located on the opposite end of campus is not convenient for the majority of us cancer fiends. Also, the most misunderstood hut… why is there a hut located in the middle of the parking lot by Neff? The only reason that I’ve ever used this hut is walking from the parking lot to one of my classes and it was simply for putting out my cig in one of their ashtrays. Never do I EVER spend time in this one, nor do I see anyone else spending time here. On that note…
Being that there are two main smoke huts and people do have their preferences on which hut to attend on a regular basis, people become VERY particular on their hut. Resulting from this pickiness, there is an ever waging war between the Classroom Medical hut and the Kettler hut.
In the debut printing of ‘Smoke Hut Diaries,’ pictured was the Kettler hut with a regular patron of the Classroom Medical hut featured near the center. We can just say his name is Chris. We have three other people by that name who attend the CM hut on a regular basis and we identify each ‘Chris’ by an outstanding feature. This Chris quickly became ‘Traitor Chris.’ The CM hut still has enough kindness in their hearts to still allow him patronage of the hut, however he is down to the wire on this one. And he knows it.
The Hut wars continue and as they continue, expect the shenanigans to be documented in full. This was simply to provide my (hopefully soon) faithful readership of what it means to hold one smoke hut in higher regard over another. Once you pick your hut, there is no turning back.

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