Sunday, October 4, 2009

Entry 5

Smoking etiquette is like a book of unwritten laws that are instilled constantly and consistently in the minds of the majority of smokers everywhere. Generally, the rules are followed and no misunderstandings are in place. Unfortunately, though, there are rare occasions in which the rules of smoker etiquette are broken and upon breaking these rules always lies an unfortunate state of affairs.
The first, and probably most important, rule is to make a conscious effort to not blow smoke into the face of a non-smoker. As we do share the air with everybody, it is important to abide by this rule because the inconsiderate smokers who choose not to follow this give the majority of us smokers a bad name. The exception to this rule is if a non-smoker willingly imposes themselves to an environment comprised entirely of smokers (IE the smoke hut, inside of it that is). In this event, it is difficult to avoid blowing smoke into another’s face. Sad, but true.
The second rule of smoker etiquette, at least in regard to the smoke hut, is always put your cigarettes out in the ashtray. By ashtray this does not mean on the ground surrounding the hut, on the arm of the bench, on someone’s book bag, in someone’s drink, or on the concrete ground within the hut. This means ashtray. In the Classroom Medical hut, at least, there are two conveniently placed within the hut itself. At Kettler, there is one located outside of the hut even. Please, walk over and politely extinguish your butt in the receptacles provided.
A third rule is if an unfortunate smoker needs to bum a cigarette from someone, please show the slight of consideration to procure a flame from another source than the individual who provided you with the mercy smoke. If you borrow a lighter from the same person who gave you a cigarette, it isn’t a huge sin but it makes you look needy as all get out. And nobody likes a beggar.
A fourth rule involves the slowly passing concept of chivalry. Generally, it is appreciated that if a male smoker is in the presence of a female smoker, the male smoker will kindly ignite the cigarette of his female counterpart. I don’t see this one happen all that often, but believe me… when it does, it’s always greatly appreciated.
I see these rules in place each and every day I am in the hut’s presence. It’s common courtesy in the most disgusting of fashions.

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