Friday, October 30, 2009

Entry 4

A topic of discussion rarely absent from the smoke hut is that of bragging. Well, bragging merged with complaining, that is. Generally the complaints revolved around the topic of politics, money, IPFW in general, and more of the like. One individual, though, tends to share his complaints and unknowingly steps on others toes in doing so.
Recently Gimp Chris informed the hut of his triumphs at a casino in one of the surrounding cities, boasting about his 1600 dollar win. That is all fine and great and all; congratulations by all means, but please hold the following into consideration.

1. Do not brag about how much money you’ve won and then proceed to ask of almost every smoker in the hut to bum a cigarette. Not only is this just rude, it entirely goes against smoker etiquette.
2. If you’ve won that much money, avoid talking about it in front of people who you know are broke. I can’t even afford textbooks half of the time, let alone maintaining my smoking habit along with someone else’s.
3. Informing us once of your winnings at a casino is more than enough. We don’t want to hear about it every day following your triumph.
4. Finally, don’t complain about money. Ever again.

The hut was happy to know that the weekend following this valiant win at the casino, Gimp Chris proceeded to lose the vast majority of his winnings. We don’t wish poorly upon him, not at all, however what we do consider this is a lesson in etiquette when surrounded by a largely broke group of people.
He lost his money, bring this piece to full circle regarding the complaints and all. The conversations switch with ease. Bragging rights happen, and generally the hut will rejoice with the party in need of direct congratulating. However, what we’re bragging about one day can turn into a gripe fest the following. Just keep this in mind, folks.

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