Friday, November 13, 2009

Entry 6

A couple of weeks ago I sustained a hefty injury, on my birthday no less. Said injury had me limited to mobility on crutches with little to no use of my left foot. I was unable to fit a shoe over the foot and had to continually ice, wrap, and take a consistent regimen of ibuprofen to limit the pain caused by my useless appendage. That said, a handful of individuals are in need of thanks.
Traitor Chris, although you are pegged a traitor and will remain as such for a long, long future ahead of you… you re-wrapped my foot when my abilities to do so were less than apt. I thank you for this.
Gay Chris, you helped me in a very similar fashion. You wrapped my foot when I was too scatter brained to do so in a decent fashion. You were there the night of my injury and you were there to help with the avalanche of problems that the injury brought on. Thank you.
Jennifer, you brought me an air cast and supplied me with ibuprofen when I ran out of my what was supposed to be endless supply. Repetitive thanks are in order for your assistance.
Jake, whose father is an orthopedic surgeon, sent a picture of my disfigured, swollen, bruised and useless foot to his father to see what he had to say about it. He allowed me a professional opinion of what I should do about the injury and the advice has already helped me out a ton.
These random, unsolicited acts of kindness do not go unnoticed and they are not limited to the CM hut, which I frequent. Angela, a regular patron of the Kettler hut, too has tales of random acts of kindness offered from mere acquaintances. There was a time when she was limited to mobility via a cane and patrons of the Kettler hut offered their assistance regularly and without hesitation. When it rains, the men clear out a bench for the ladies to have a seat. When someone’s hurt, they help where they can.
My assignment for anyone who reads this article today is to do something nice for someone. It doesn’t matter what. Pay someone a compliment, open a door for someone, say hello to a perfect stranger. These random acts are enough to brighten someone’s day entirely and they should happen more often than what they do.
Smoke hut, once again you have opened my eyes to the fact that not all hope is lost. Keep on keeping on.

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